UNSC adopts US resolution on Gaza ceasefire.


United Nations Security Council (UNSC) supports the proposal of ceasefire in Gaza on Monday. It is the first time the council has passed a resolution demanding to stop fighting after eight months of war.

The Resolution urges both Israel and Hamas to fully and quickly implement the three-phase plan. The proposal outlines the requirements for achieving a complete ceasefire, which include the release of hostages held by Hamas, the return of the remains of deceased hostages, and the exchange of Palestinian prisoners.  

14 out of the 15 members of the Security Council votes in favor of the resolution. Russia abstained.

According to the resolution it is Hamas decision to end the war. Israel has already accepted the ceasefire plan and the war would end if Hamas accepts the proposal.

So, this resolution welcomes the three-phase ceasefire plan that the US Biden laid out on 31st May.

Palestine leadership welcomed the resolution and viewed it as a step in the right direction. They emphasize that Palestine has always been in support of an immediate ceasefire. The killing of innocent should end. This resolution will help to achieve it. Palestine thanked Nigeria for their efforts in making the resolution closer to the national rights of Palestinians people.

The detailed proposal submitted by Israel to the US, Qatar, and Egypt, which is reportedly more extensive than the summary given by President Biden, has not been publicly released, so it’s unclear if it differs from Biden’s summary. Israel’s three-man war cabinet approved the proposal, but it hasn’t been shared with the broader government, and some far-right ministers have expressed opposition to it. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has not explicitly stated whether he supports Biden’s outlined plan. The resolution was approved soon after US Secretary of State Antony Blinken met with foreign leaders, including Netanyahu, to garner support for the ceasefire agreement. Just before the UN vote, Blinken urged regional leaders to pressure Hamas to agree to a ceasefire, saying, “If you want a ceasefire, press Hamas to say yes.”

Hamas also accepted to negotiate on ceasefire and welcomed the UNSC negotiation. Hamas appreciates the plan and accepts most of its terms but there are certain changes they want to make in the resolution. Hamas says it will deal positively to come to agreement but they are also insisting on one very sticky condition that is, Israel’s complete withdrawal from Gaza. The US secretary of state said everyone accepted the resolution to end the war and ceasefire would happen the day Hamas accepted the resolution. Now that Hamas has accepted the resolution a whole new round of negotiation is likely to start.

Though the negotiation will be tough as both parties did not trust each other but it had to reach to ceasefire as it is the urgent requirement of the people of Palestine. Massive loss of life has occurred since October 7, 2023 when the war between Hamas and Israel erupted. According to Israel Hamas has killed 1500 people and taken 270 hostages. Hamas run health ministry states that a massive 37000 people have lost their lives in response to Israel’s atrocities. 15000 out of them were children. More than half of Gaza’s homes have been destroyed or damaged. 80% of commercial facilities and 88% of school buildings are destroyed. 16 out of 35 hospitals are partially functioning. 267 places of worship are damaged.

Read the full article at: “Gaza: Security Council Adopts US Resolution Calling for ‘immediate, Full and Complete Ceasefire’.” UN News. Last modified June 11, 2024. https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/06/1150886.

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