
In our research about Provision of Justice in Pakistan especial the aspect of Exposing Elite Impunity, we discuss about the flaws in the system at length. In the course of this study we wrote two analytical reports and three editorials that unmasked the status quo that enables the ruling class to control legal systems to their ends. It has been our finding that wealth and special interest, together with political influence, corrupt justice and deny the average citizen the provisions of the rule of law. By those measures, we strive for achieving our goal to reveal the increasingly amount of the population concerned with the issue of inequality within the framework of legal responsibility.


Provision of Justice

Justice and Elitism

Judiciary, often hailed as the strongest pillar of a state, implements all the laws and curtails the implementation of social evils by upholding the principles of justice and equality……

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Opinion Articles

Provision of Justice

The double standard of justice: How elite escape accountability

Can justice truly be blind if it turns a blind eye towards a specific class of society?  Justice is the basic right of every individual, but if society is divided into classes, equality in justice becomes a myth. Can we call Pakistan a democracy if some people are above the law? That’s where the judiciary comes into action…….

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Provision of Justice

The Untouchables; Why High-Profile Cases Rarely See Conviction

There is a proverb that reads, “Justice is blind,” which means “the legal system is unbiased and
objective.”In Pakistan, these scales of justice appear to be highly tipped towards the wealthy and powerful rather than upholding the rule of law…….

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