Security Lense:Resource Center

Resource center is a premier platform offering nuanced and comprehensive analysis of global security issues, focusing on both traditional and non-traditional threats. With expert insights into geopolitical tensions, military strategies, cybersecurity challenges, terrorism, and environmental security, the platform serves as a critical resource for policymakers, academics, and security professionals. Security Lense features contributions from leading experts and diverse perspectives, ensuring a balanced understanding of security dynamics. Regular updates, in-depth articles, and active participation in global conferences keep the audience informed and engaged with the latest developments. Through evidence-based research and global collaboration, Security Lense influences policy formulation and serves as an educational resource for the security studies community.

Crime Analysis Report for Karachi (2022-2023)

Karachi has been recognized as one of the most industrial cities of Pakistan yet it has also become a safe haven for robbers and murderers. In 2023, Karachi experienced a significant rise in street crimes, with incidents increasing by approximately 11.11% compared to the previous year. This upsurge in increasing crime rate highlights challenges in maintaining law and order show in Pakistan’s largest city. The Karachi police released comprehensive data detailing the nature and extent of these crimes, including vehicle thefts, mobile phone snatchings,………

Security Lense
crime analysis
Security Lense

Exploring the atrocities of DAESH in Iraq: mass graves, gender violence, cultural destruction, and legal responses.

The rise of Daesh, also known as ISIL, in Iraq has led to a series of grievous crimes that have left an indelible mark on the country and its people. From mass graves to gender-based violence, the impact of Daesh’s actions has been far-reaching and devastating. This article delves into various aspects of Daesh’s crimes in Iraq, examining the evidence collection, human rights violations, the involvement of foreign fighters, cultural destruction, and the legal and humanitarian responses to these atrocities.

Flood analysis of last decade (2000-2023): Pakistan

Pakistan, a country with a diverse topography and climate, has been repeatedly struck by devastating floods over the decades. These floods, often caused by monsoon rains, cyclones,and melting glaciers, have wreaked havoc on the lives of millions, leading to significant loss of
life and property. Understanding the historical context and ………

Security Lense
Security Lense

Overview of Energy Projects under CPEC

The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is a monumental initiative aimed at enhancing economic cooperation between China and Pakistan. Among its various components, energy projects stand out as a critical focus, with an estimated $33 billion allocated to alleviate Pakistan’s chronic energy shortages. These projects encompass a wide array of energy sources, including coal, wind, hydro, and solar power, and are expected to significantly boost Pakistan’s energy generation capacity……….

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